
The witch is a universal symbol during Easter celebrations in Scandinavia, as well as in Unixploria. Why witches on a Christian holiday, you might ask. The answer is that many of our costumes derive from pagan, historical folklore mixed with Christian traditions. The witches were believed to meet the devil on Maundy Thursday. To get to the gathering at Blåkulla/Blockula in Gotland, Sweden, the witches traveled using a magic broomstick.

Blockula plays a significant part in the witch-hunts described in Joseph Glanvill’s work, Sadducismus Triumphatus (1682). This book detailed Blockula in an Appendix entitled: ‘True Account of What Happened in the Kingdom of Sweden In the Years 1669, 1670, and upwards: About some Persons that were accused of Witches; and Tried and Executed By the King’s Command.’

Paradise On Earth

Why pack my bags and visit foreign shores when I have everything I need right here in the Great Kingdom of Unixploria. I have a fantastic nature around the corner. I have pets that give me unconditional love. I have an extensive, diverse library to spark my curiosity. I have museums that are repositories of beauty and thought. I have delicious food and tasty beverages. I have a movie theater with an endless supply of fictional escapes. I have a beautiful woman who shares my life. We have children of our own, soon to be grown men themselves. I have my loving family around me. I have God’s comfort. I have peace and tranquility. What more could a man ask for? I have found paradise on earth. Why keep searching for something that is right before me?

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. ASMR has been around for a long time, even though we didn’t have a word nor definition to describe it with until quite recently. Introverts like myself use it on a regular basis to relax and to get that tinkling sensation. If you haven’t listened to an ASMR video yet, you’ve missed out on a beautiful experience. Soft-spoken words and silent retreats are endangered in our world. It’s time to bring them both back, and use them to soothe our souls.

Freedom Will Prevail

After the heinous act of terror in our neighboring country Sweden, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that “A whole country is united in grief, anger and resolve.” He also stated that the attack was a “tragedy for the families involved.” He stressed that Sweden would do “whatever it takes” for people to feel safe.

“Terrorists want us to be afraid…to not live our lives normally, but that is what we are going to do. Terrorists can never defeat Sweden, never.”

Well said. I fully agree. We can never let men and women filled with hate dictate how we live our lives. An attack on freedom and tolerance, wherever it takes place, is an attack on us all. Freedom will prevail.

Jesus Christ was a Jew

I was watching a documentary about the KKK and other white supremacy movements in America and Europe… They’re not famous for their prominent level of education, but still. How can they pretend to be Christians and at the same time blame every wicked thing on earth on the Jews? Are they not aware of the fact that Jesus Christ himself was a Jew until His last breath on the cross? Not.